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Fat balls for birds

Here at Really Wild Bird Food we understand that if you love birds, you’re probably a fan of animals in general - and you might even have a furry friend of your own at home. If you’re letting your dog run around in the same area where you hang your bird feeders, it’s important to remember that not all bird-safe products are suitable for dogs.

In this blog, we will be delving into the topic of dogs and bird food, focusing on one question in particular: can dogs safely eat fat balls?


What Are Fat Balls?

Fat balls are a high-energy food source often used to feed wild birds. They typically contain a mixture of suet or lard, grains and sometimes dried fruits, as well as nuts or mealworms.

Fat balls are an important part of a varied diet for birds as they provide the essential energy and nutrients that our feathered friends need to stay healthy and energised. It is particularly important to offer fat balls in the cold winter months, when natural sources of high-energy food can be scarce.


Can My Dog Eat Fat Balls?

The high fat content in fat balls can makes them very attractive to dogs who are roaming the garden in search of a snack. Fat balls usually do not contain anything inherently dangerous to dogs, meaning ingestion in small amounts is unlikely to do them any harm. However, if consumed in large quantities, your dog may begin to experience some gastrointestinal upset that could lead to vomiting and diarrhoea.

Be aware that some fat balls do contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, such as raisins and sultanas. Even a small amount of these dried fruits can cause kidney failure in dogs and lead to serious health issues, so it is essential that you check the ingredients in your suet before putting it anywhere that your dog can easily access.

In serious cases, the high fat intake caused by eating fat balls can lead to pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. Symptoms of pancreatitis include vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and lethargy.

If you have a dog with any kind of pancreatic disease, we advise strongly against allowing your pooch to eat any type of fat ball (or any of our other suet products, like our Suet Pellets or Suet Cakes). We also would recommend either restricting access to your bird feeding area or at least keeping a close eye on what your dog is picking up when out in the garden.


What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Suet?

If your dog ingests a small amount of suet, it is unlikely to do much harm  and you may see no ill effects. If however, the dog gains access to a much larger quantity of suet, then you should monitor your dog closely for adverse symptoms. Vomiting may be evident and it would be prudent to increase the frequency with which you take your dog outside for a toilet break - since poo with a lot of fat present is a very unpleasant and unpredictable thing!  If vomiting and diarrhoea persist or  symptoms continue to worsen, you should make an appointment to see your vet as soon as is practicable. The vet will be able to prescribe medications to make your dog more comfortable. 

Check out our best-selling fat balls today and give the birds in your garden the tasty treat they deserve! And if you do have pets, our Raisin-Free Ground Blend is a great choice for dog owners who want to feed the birds without putting their pup in danger.

Fat Balls for Birds   Raisin-Free Bird Food

READ MORE: Is Bird Seed Bad for Dogs?