Wildflower - Woodland Clearing 100% Mix
Ideal for shaded areas!
Only: £10.95

Select size: In Stock
- 20g packet
- 40g packet
- 250g packet
Although this mixture can take its time to get established, it is well worth the wait! It shows an excellent array of colour with some well known traditional species such as the buttercup, foxgloves, campion and cowslips.
Sowing rate; 3-5 grams per m2
0.5kg will cover 100 square meters.
- 9 Common Knapweed
- 2 Common St John’s Wort
- 6 Common Vetch
- 1 Cowslip
- 2 Dark Mullein
- 2 Foxglove
- 7 Garlic Mustard
- 2 Great Mullein
- 5 Greater Knapweed
- 9 Hedge Bedstraw
- 7 Hedge Woundwort
- 5 Meadow Buttercup
- 4 Musk Mallow
- 3 Ox-eye Daisy
- 7 Red Campion
- 4 Self Heal
- 5 Teasel
- 2 Tufted Vetch
- 7 Upright Hedge Parsley
- 3 White Campion
- 5 Wild Angelica
- 3 Yarrow

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