Sandy Soil 100% Wildflower Mixture
Containing deep rooted varieties
Only: £7.95

Select size: In Stock
- 20g packet
- 40g packet
- 250g packet
This mixture is great for sandy soils that are free draining and prone to drying out over the summer months due to its deep rooted varieties that are capable of stabalising the soil and thriving on very little nutrients from the ground.
% Wildflower Species:
- 6 Birdsfoot Trefoil
- 8 Black Medick
- 1 Bladder Campion
- 7 Bulbous Buttercup
- 7 Common Knapweed
- 3 Field Scabious
- 5 Sorrel
- 2 Common St John’s Wort
- 4 Common Toadflax
- 1 Cowslip
- 3 Hoary Plantain
- 6 Lady’s Bedstraw
- 3 Meadow Buttercup
- 1 Field Forget-Me-Not
- 4 Ox-eye Daisy
- 3 Ribwort Plantain
- 3 Rough Hawkbit
- 6 Self Heal
- 3 Viper’s Bugloss
- 7 White Campion
- 4 Wild Carrot
- 4 Wild Mignonette
- 5 Yarrow
- 4 Yellow Rattle
Sowing Rate:
3-5 grams per m2
0.5kg will cover 100 square meters.

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