Pond Edge 100% Wildflower Mixture
Designed specially for wetter environments
Only: £9.95

Select size: In Stock
- 20g packet
- 40g packet
- 250g packet
This seed mixture has been designed specifically for areas that are temporarily water logged and wetter areas on the backs of ponds, lakes and rivers.
The mix is grear for stabalising banks and the flowering plants help to promote insect life.
% Wildflower Species:
- 1 Common Figwort
- 4 Devil’s-bit Scabious
- 2 Gipsywort
- 4 Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil
- 3 Hard Rush
- 6 Hedge Bedstraw
- 1 Hemp Agrimony
- 2 Kidney Vetch
- 6 Lady’s Bedstraw
- 8 Meadow Buttercup
- 7 Meadowsweet
- 4 Pendulous Sedge
- 2 Purple-Loosestrife
- 4 Ragged Robin
- 7 Red Campion
- 9 Self Heal
- 3 Sneezewort
- 3 Soft Rush
- 3 Tufted Vetch
- 3 Water Avens
- 8 Wild Angelica
- 10 Yellow Flag Iris
Sowing Rate:
3-5 grams per m2
0.5kg will cover 100 square meters.

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