Hedgerows, Margins & Shaded Areas 100%
Designed for hedgerows, margins and areas under semi-shade
Only: £6.25

Select size: In Stock
- 20g packet
- 40g packet
- 250g packet
Suitable for woodland edges and shaded banks aswell.
% Wildflower species:
- 8 Agrimony
- 4 Common St John’s Wort
- 4 Common Vetch
- 6 Field Scabious
- 4 Garlic Mustard
- 7 Greater Knapweed
- 7 Hedge Bedstraw
- 6 Lady’s Bedstraw
- 12 Lesser Knapweed
- 4 Meadow Vetchling
- 7 Musk Mallow
- 7 Ox-eye Daisy
- 10 Red Campion
- 4 Tufted Vetch
- 10 Wild Carrot
Sowing Rate:
3-5 grams per m2
0.5kg will cover 100 square meters.

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