Acid Soil Wildflower Mixtures
- 80% Grass 20% Wildflower (20g packet)
- 80% Grass 20% Wildflower (40g packet)
- 80% Grass 20% Wildflower (250 g)
- 100% Wildflower (20g)
- 100% Wildflower (40 g)
- 100% Wildflower (250 g)
Available as 100% wildflowers and also a 80% : 20% mix of wildflowers and companion grasses
High soil acidity is usually caused by the breakdown of organic matter, so it’s often found in woodland, due to the abundance of fallen leaves. Formally associated with peaty high organic matter soils commonly found on moors, heathland, reclaimed land or woodland clearing.
As a guide if the soil pH is below 6.5 then this mix will be a good option. This is a perennial mixture so will last for many years with eye-catching species such as foxglove, yellow rattle and birds foot trefoil creating a colourful display of flowers through the spring and summer.
% Wildflower species:
- 6 Betony
- 5 Birdsfoot Trefoil
- 2 Common Cat’s Ear
- 7 Common Knapweed
- 3 Common St John’s Wort
- 4 Cornflower
- 2 Devil’s-bit Scabious
- 4 Foxglove
- 5 Fragrant Agrimony
- 4 Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil
- 5 Lady’s Bedstraw
- 8 Meadow Buttercup
- 5 Ox-eye Daisy
- 4 Ragged Robin
- 4 Sheep Sorrel
- 6 Sneezewort
- 5 Sorrel
- 5 Tufted Vetch
- 3 Wood Sage
- 8 Yarrow
- 5 Yellow Rattle
% Companion grasses:
- 4.5 Common Bentgrass
- 19 Crested Dogstail
- 23 Sheep’s Fescue
- 9 Small Leaved Timothy
- 7.5 Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
- 27 Strong Creeping Red Fescue
- 6 Sweet Vernal
- 2.5 Wavy Hairgrass
- 1.5 Yorkshire Fog
Sowing Rate
3-5 grams per m2
0.5kg will cover 100 square meters.