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Suet for Birds

Suet is an excellent source of healthy essential fats, giving your garden birds an energy boost and extra calories – particularly important in the colder winter months!

If you want a high-energy food source for the wild birds who visit your garden, we supply a great selection of fat balls, suet pellets and other high-calorie treats for birds. Suet-rich bird food is ideal for the colder months (as well as the breeding, moulting and migration seasons) because it delivers the additional boost of energy needed to keep your garden birds healthy and full of life. Birds also love the taste of our premium suet feeds – we're confident that your feathered friends keep coming back for more!

Browse our suet bird food range below. Click on a product for more information. Simple!

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20 Product(s)
Half Coconuts with Mealworm Flavoured Suet
Half Coconuts with Mealworm Flavoured Suet
Delicious suet and so easy to hang!
 Seed and Suet Combo™ Seed and Suet Combo™
Gourmet seeds and delicious suet pellets means everything is eaten!
Tidy Garden™ Suet Boost
Tidy Garden™ Suet Boost
Our no-mess mix - boosted with delicious suet pellets

High-Quality Wild Bird Suet

In order to provide our customers with the top-quality products they expect, we at Really Wild Bird Food work hard to ensure that all of our suet feeds are sourced from within the UK.

We also strive to provide the best possible variety of products, stocking suet pellets in a range of flavours, along with nutrient-rich suet cakes in an array of shapes and sizes, with additional ingredients including mealworms, peanuts, berries and more!

Our garden bird suet is healthy and delicious, and with so much variety on offer, you’re bound to find something that your feathered friends will love!

For added convenience, we also supply an assortment of suet feeders, which provide a highly efficient feeding method to pair with our fat balls and suet pellets.

Contact us today and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about our suet products.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is suet?
  • Suet is a type of saturated fat that comes from cows and sheep. The hard white fat is found near the animal's kidneys and loins.

    Not only is suet used to make fat balls and other treats for birds, it is also used in many dishes that humans enjoy, such as steak and kidney pudding and jam roly-poly.

  • Is suet good for birds?
  • Yes, suet is good for birds because it's packed with calories. Our suet products will make a great addition to your feeding station at any time of year, but we especially recommend offering suet during the harsh winter months.

    When it's cold outside and natural food sources are hard to come by, high-energy suet feeds provide an immediate energy source that can be a crucial lifeline for wild birds.

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