Canary Seeds for Birds
Home Grown On Our Farm
Click & Collect Available - Save 15%
Only: £9.95

Select size: In Stock
- 2 kg
- 4 kg
- 8 kg
- 8kg ( 2 x 4kg)
- 15kg
- 30kg (2 x 15kg)
- 45kg (3 x 15kg)
- 60kg (4 x 15kg)
Plain canary seeds are a delicious bird feed loved by all manner of wild birds, especially finches and siskins. Canary seeds are a wonderful source of protein and healthy fats for birds, and conveniently fit most garden feeders.
Originally a native of the Mediterranean region, canary seeds for birds are now grown all over the globe - ours is homegrown our Hampshire farm, Street End Farm! We take great pride in the quality of our products and can attest to their popularity with the local wildlife.
Different sizes of plain canary seeds available:
- 2kg
- 4kg
- 8kg
- 15kg
- 30kg
- 45kg
- 60kg
Please note - if you would like to buy bigger quantities of our products (this can be any of our seed mixes, straight seeds, peanuts etc) we are able to offer Quarter ( < 300kg ) ,Half (< 600kg) and Full ( <1200kg) pallets of 15kg, 20kg or 25kg sacks. We can also offer BULK TOTES at very competitve prices. Please call us for a quote on 01489 896785 or email us and include your delivery post code to allow us to quote you. For pallet deliveries we can offer very competitive prices!

Customer Reviews
Date of Review:
Value For Money:
The sparrows are delighted with their seed. Delivery very efficient from DPD
Date of Review:
Value For Money:
This seems to be the sparrows' favourite seed. It's a bit dusty so I have to fill the feeders outside with the wind behind me.
jim whitty
Date of Review:
Value For Money:
jim great seed,i feed this to my aviavery birds.

Canary Seed FAQs
- Are canary seeds good for birds?
- Are plain canary seeds the same as budgie seed?
- Do British birds like canary seeds?

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