Naked Oats for Birds

- 2 kg
- 4 kg
- 8 kg
- 8kg ( 2 x 4kg)
- 15kg
- 30kg (2 x 15kg)
- 45kg (3 x 15kg)
- 60kg (4 x 15kg)
Naked oats for birds are simply oats without the fibrous outer husk– hence the name ‘naked’. Naked oats are a popular treat among all manner of birds, including waterfowl such as ducks and swans.
Naked oats are a high-energy and high-fat bird feed, rich in essential minerals and packed with the protein, fibre and essential fatty acids that many birds need to stay healthy. Our naked oats for birds are a more concentrated energy source than traditional oats, and they are also higher in natural oils and easier to digest.
Our delicious naked oats for birds are home grown on our farm, so you don’t have to wonder where your bird feed came from, what’s in it, or even about your carbon footprint!

Naked Oats for Birds FAQs
- Can you put oats in a bird feeder?
- Are regualr oats safe for birds?
- What can you mix with oats for birds?
- Can humans eat naked oats?
- Why are naked oats hull-less?