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Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
  • Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
  • Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
  • Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
  • Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
  • Squirrel Buster™ Evolution
  • Squirrel Buster™ Evolution

Squirrel Buster™ Evolution

100% squirrel-proof seed feeder
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Click & Collect Available - Save 15%
Only: £39.95Robin
Quantity: In Stock
Product Details

The Squirrel Buster is spring loaded which shuts off the ports by the weight of the squirrel. Ingenious and humane!

The Squirrel Buster Evolution feeder does not feature the mesh surrounding but follows more like the Plus with a clear feeding tube and an attractive no-mesh design.

How the Squirrel Buster™ Evolution works:

Birds can feed easliy but squirrels cant. Their weight shuts off the feeder ports, blocking access to the food. Squrriels are beaten every single time - saving your precious seed.

Seed Ventilation System

Transparent seed tubes are like greenhouses- they trap the sun's heat and cuase hot, clammy seed. Squirrel buster's seed ventilation system lets hot, humid air escape through vents at the top of the feeder. This escaping hot air is replaced with fresh air entering the seed ports and openings on the bottom of the seed tube. It saves you money by prevebnting loss of food due to spoilge, and feed stays fresher, attracting more birds.

Siting your feeder

Birds need to feel safe while they're feeding. Position Squirrel Buster where birds have a good all-round view of approaching predators, incudling sparrowhawks. Ideally, keep the feeder at least 2m (7ft) from trees, shrubs and other cover that can harbour crafty cats! 

Tip - If you're replacing an old feeder, leave it up until birds get used to the new one. And remember it can sometimes take weeks for birds to gain confidence and start using a new feeder.

The Squirrel Buster Evolution is very quick and easy to clean and refill.

Height: 47cm - Ports: 4

Street End Farm

Customer Reviews

mike jones
Date of Review:
Value For Money:
Having had this for a little will, there is no doubt that it stops squirrels. To my surprise what it doesn't stop of Rooks, who have cleverly worked out that if they jump/fly up on to the sprung platform to make the feeder swing it will dispense feed. I have watched a couple of rooks empty half a feeder in a no more than a few minutes. So if you have Rooks watch out.
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