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My Favourites™ Feeder

My Favourites™ Feeder

A feeder that's exclusively for small clinging birds, keeping pigeons and starlings out!
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Product Details

This clinging bird feeder is specifically designed for feeding small clinging birds like tits, wrens, sparrows and finches, who prefer to cling as they feed.

The My Favourites™ Feeder is also a starling proof bird feeder. Larger birds such as pigeons and starlings will find it difficult to get a foothold, and will abandon the feeder once their efforts go unrewarded.


Starling proof feeder key features:

  • Quick release lid for easy refills
  • Overhanging roof protects feeding birds from rain
  • Tough polycarbonate hopper won't crack or fade in sunlight
  • Ideal for seeds or mixes
  • Base unclips for cleaning
  • Hang from hook or tree branch, or pole mount


Product specifications:

Dimensions: 192W x 215H x 192D mm.
Capacity: 1.3 litres.


Street End Farm

Customer Reviews

Linda Sandford
Date of Review:
Value For Money:
I found the feeder and the company, whilst searching yet again for a starling proof feeder for my little birdies. So a feeder and some sparrow food( another find I wasn't expecting) later. I have just ordered my second sack of sparrow mix. Unlike other reviews despite more heavy rain, the seed stayed dry, and I got wet. I have found even with chronically arthritic hands I can open and close the lid of the feeder myself. Finally it is starling proof they are not happy, I feed them too! Another quality item. Back soon for more food.
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Alan Honor
Date of Review:
Value For Money:
This is supposed to keep starlings at bay, but the northampton ones seem to have been to university as they empty it in two days, it is getting to be expensive to filling it up. And that's a lot of seed.
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Date of Review:
Value For Money:
Almost good - but 2 main issues: First - water penetrates where the top hanger goes through the lid - leading to "clumps" of damp seed in the middle of the feeder. I fixed this by sealing the hanger to the lid with superglue. Still on water issues, bigger drain slits around the seed tray at the bottom might also help avoid (or limit) the "clumping" of damp seed in the tray. Second - in spite of what the "blurb" implies, don't think that this will deter starlings! They took only a couple of weeks to figure out how to hang on - and they've been constant visitors ever since. That said, the feeder is pretty tough, and the smaller birds can easily gather on it in numbers. Overall, we were fairly happy with the feeders - but will be trying something different next time.
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Date of Review:
Value For Money:
The idea is nice - however: Firstly, water penetrates through the central mounting point, leading to a "clump" of damp seed in the middle - cured this by supergluing around the hanging point. Further, it might benefit from slightly wider drain slots in the bottom section - this can also end up with a damp "clump" of seed in it. Secondly, forget any notion of this being "starling-proof" - it took them about 3 weeks to figure out how to hang on to it. That said, it's easy to fill and easy to clean - but when I come to replace these, I'll probably go for something different.
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Bird Feeder FAQs

  • How can I keep starlings away from my bird feeders?
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