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Coarse Oystershell Grit

Coarse Oystershell Grit

For Chicken, Duck, Geese, Guinea Fowl
Click and collect to save 15%
Click & Collect Available - Save 15%
Only: £2.95Robin
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Product Details

Grits are essential for all seed-eating birds' digestive systems and our super-clean coarse oyster shell grit is especially suitable for poultry such as chicken, geese, duck and guinea fowl to help them digest their food. The insoluble oyster shell grit acts as a grinding agent in the gizzard, which helps birds break down the tough outer coat of seeds like wheat.

Coarse oyster shell grit is also a natural and readily available source of calcium as well as other minerals and trace elements. Calcium is necessary for good quality egg shell formation.

For poultry such as chicken, duck or geese, you can offer this coarse oyster shell grit on its own from the ground or feeding station. Alternatively, you can mix a handful of our coarse oyster shell grit into your bird seed mixes and feed it from your normal feeders.

It's important that you don't put the grit anywhere it could be contaminated with droppings.

You can also select oyster shell grit from our Pick & Mix and Mini Pick & Mix options - ideal if you are looking to buy a selection of our seeds!

We also offer Fine Oystershell Grit.

Manufactured by Oyta

P.S. Oystershell grit is also a really good slug deterrent - especially good for protecting hostas! Just surround the hostas with the oystershell. Slugs don't like it :)

PLEASE NOTE: Free delivery of this product if it accompanies a food product such as poultry corn or layers pellets. A delivery charge of £5.95 will be applied if bought on its own.

Street End Farm

Customer Reviews

Date of Review:
Value For Money:
Using to protect our plants and to top pots. Excellent value product.
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