Sparrow Seed Mix™

- 2 kg
- 4 kg
- 8 kg
- 8kg ( 2 x 4kg)
- 15kg
- 30kg (2 x 15kg)
- 45kg (3 x 15kg)
- SUPERSAVER! 60kg (4 x 15kg)
Really Wild Bird Food's Sparrow Seed Mix™ is a delicious blend of 11 enticing ingredients that sparrows love to eat - including dried mealworms and calciworms, wheat, red and white millet, naked oats and buckwheat.
Lots of different garden birds adore our Sparrow Seed Mix™ but it's specifically blended to help you attract sparrows to your garden...and keep them coming back for more!
How to store your sparrow food
Our Sparrow Seed Mix™ should be stored somewhere cool and dry. We recommend using it up within 5 months of purchase - just to make sure it stays fresh and nutritious for your garden birds.
Praise for our bird food for sparrows:
"I would just like to praise your new sparrow mix. My husband is wheelchair bound and the sparrows in particular give him lots of pleasure. They are so cheeky! We have always had a fair sparrow presence in our garden, but since I have started feeding them your special food for sparrows, the daily attendance in our garden has risen by 50% minimum! They love this mix - I even get a fair amount of chirping as I am putting it out for them. So thank you very much, we will definitely be purchasing more of this superb bird seed mix." - Karen Long

Customer Reviews

Sparrow Seed Mix FAQs:
- What do sparrows eat?
- How can I attract sparrows to my garden?
- What type of bird feeder do sparrows prefer?