Nature's Haven Green Manure Mix

Nature’s Haven Green Manure Mix is a mix of wildflower seeds and seed sowing granules to help you grow better vegetables. Green Manure mixes are a quick growing solution to help add nutrients to the soil, as well as improving structure to give better drainage or water retention. Comes in 1.2KG box
- All in one seed mix to boost your veg patch
- Naturally increases nutrients
- Improves soil structure
- Flower seeds include: Borage, Phacelia and Red Clover
- Simply scatter and water
How to use -
Wildflower seeds may be sown when the soil temperature is between 10-18°C. Sow over bare soil in the veg garden after harvesting crops a nd allow to grow to 30cm before cutting down and digging into soil. Earthworms will pull the green matter down under the soil and it will naturally break down. Avoid allowing the plants to set seed, ensuring that the ground is still soft as it will break down more easily when dug into soil. Remove any large stones and weeds. Dig out soil and level out. If soil is very dry, water 24 hours before sowing. Shake the box well before use. To ensure even coverage, sow in a criss-cross pattern. Firm seeds down onto soil and gently water them.