Field Guide to Fruits and Seed Dispersal

Seeds, or fruits containing seeds, are dispersed in four main ways: by animals; by wind; by the plant themselves; and by water.
The size, shape and colour of the fruit or seed together with other features all reflect the method of dispersal.
This chart is part of the Sustainably Sourced range of fold-out charts, designed to help users identify of a wide range of plants and animals. Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject make these valuable resources for all age groups.
Each chart is laminated to make it shower-proof and robust for use outdoors.
This handy guide helps to explain and explore what seeds and fruits are and how they are formed and dispersed.
Interesting guide to fruits and seeds
Explains the process of dispersal
Weatherproof laminated finish
A valuable resource for botanists of all ages
Produced by the Field Studies Council