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Field Guide to Bugs on Bushes

Field Guide to Bugs on Bushes

This fantastic fold out guide will help to identify bees and bugs in your garden. Each chart is laminated to make it shower-proof and robust for use outdoors.
Only: £6.99Robin
Quantity: In Stock
Product Details

This 12-page laminated fold-out chart is a name trail designed to help children identify the insects and other invertebrates found in the foliage of plants.

The Animal Fact File provides a concise summary of the main groups of animals that may be encountered.

Other information is included on food webs, pyramids of numbers and on project ideas based on tree-beating, sweep-netting and the use of pooters.

This chart is part of the Sustainably Sourced range of fold-out charts, designed to help users identify of a wide range of plants and animals.

Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject make these valuable resources for all age groups. Each chart is laminated to make it shower-proof and robust for use outdoors.

This is the ideal guide to keep handy for British plant bug identification and information.

  • Bug name trail for children

  • Animal Fact File helps to identify main groups

  • Weatherproof laminated finish

  • A valuable resource for nature lovers of all ages

  • Produced by the Field Studies Council

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