Live Mealworms

- tub (3 x 55g tubs)
- bag (250 g)
- bag (500 g)
- tub (6 x 55g tubs)
- bag (1 kg)
- BAT PACK (1 kg)
- bag (2 kg)
Live mealworms are an incredibly nutritious meal for all insect-eating garden birds. Did you know the body of a mealworm is more than 48% crude protein and 40% fat?
It's no wonder these live mealworms for birds are our best-selling live bird food!
Order Details
When ordering live mealworms, you can purchase 3 x 55g tubs (total weight 165g) or 6 x 55g tubs (total weight 330g). Alternatively, our live mealworms can also be supplied in breathable sacks of 250g, 500g or 1kg weights. These are sent out with newspaper or cardboard egg trays to stop the mealworms from overheating (within a box for protection).
All live mealworms are sent in bran, which is their main food source. You can also give them small amounts of carrot (diced or chopped) and they also like green leafy vegetables.
Bats like to eat mealworms just as much as birds do, so we also supply a 1kg live mealworm bat packs. These 1kg bags of live mealworms contain unprinted newspaper or egg trays - since ink is toxic to bats.

Customer Reviews

Live Mealworm FAQs:
- What birds eat live mealworms?
- Where do your live mealworms come from?
- What sort of feeder should I offer live mealworms in?
- What are mealworms?
- How to store live mealworms