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Nantes Hanging Feeding Table

Nantes Hanging Feeding Table

Protective bird feeder for a variety of perching birds
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Only: £15.75Robin
Quantity: In Stock
Product Details

This hanging feeding table is an attractive way to feed seeds, suet pellets and treats to your garden birds all year around. The protecrtive dome will afford some shelter from the prevailing weather and will discourage larger birds from sitting on the feeding tray

Easy to assemble and with drainage holes in the feed tray.

Street End Farm

Customer Reviews

Alan Joy
Date of Review:
Value For Money:
This feeder works well, is easy to assemble and seems quite strong. However, it has what I would say is a slight design flaw. The base screws into the vertical rod - but not that far, and there is nothing holding it there. In my case, the location of the feeder means that, most of the time, starlings arrive from a certain direction and with a certain momentum, decelerating as they perch on the feeder tray. This exerts a turning motion and, after a day or two, the tray unscrews and falls to the ground. So far it has not broken (hence the 'quite strong' above). I am now using a wingnut with a plastic washer where the rod connects to the tray to hopefully tighten that connection and stop this happening again.
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