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Brambles Hedgehog Food

Browse our brilliant range of Brambles hedgehog food available to purchase online. 

The hedgehog foods listed below have been developed using scientific knowledge of nutrition and are widely used by Wildlife Rescues all over the UK.

Brambles hedgehog products are also delicious, nutritious and affordable which is why we so proudly stock them here at Really Wild Bird Food.

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Choosing Nutritious Hedgehog Food

If you'd like to help your local hedgehogs, a great way to do so is by providing them with plenty of nutritious hedgehog food.

Hedgehogs aren't particularly fussy eaters; instinctively they're insectivores, but they're more than happy to eat all sorts of foods, including dry pet food like biscuits or shop-bought hedgehog food.

We stock three kinds of hedgehog food here at Really Wild Bird Food: Brambles Meaty Hedgehog Food, Brambles Crunchy Hedgehog Food and Brambles Semi-Moist Hedgehog Food.

Brambles Hedgehog Food

  • What can I feed a hedgehog that comes into my garden?
  • If you notice a few friendly hogs hanging around your garden you could invite them to stay with a tasty bite to eat. Hedgehogs are opportunistic eaters, making them very easy to feed. They love to eat all kinds of insects and creepy crawlies but they'll also happily snack on meaty pet food.

    If you don't want to keep running out of dog or cat food (which can be quite expensive), though, hedgehog food can be a much more affordable option. Purchasing nutritious hedgehog food is also the best way to ensure you're providing hedgehogs with food that meets their specific nutritional needs.

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