Softbill Bird Food
Not every bird has a beak that's hard enough to crack open seeds. For this reason, we offer a selection of softbill bird feeds that are ideal for robins, blackbirds, dunnocks, thrushes and other soft-billed species.
These mixes consist exclusively of ingredients that softbills will be able to eat, such as sunflower hearts, naked oats and mealworms. Some of them also include high-calorie suet pellets, which are perfect for the cold winter months when wild birds need all the energy they can get.
We offer FREE DELIVERY on every order that includes any of our softbill bird food products!

Softbill Bird Food FAQs
- What do softbill birds eat?
There are all sorts of different softbills in nature, and their diets vary enormously. The soft-billed birds that you're most likely to spot in a British garden (robins, blackbirds, etc.) tend to be primarily insectivorous—meaning they eat worms, beetles and other bugs. Softbills also like to eat fruit, and will happily eat seeds too as long as there's no tough outer husk to contend with.
- What type of feeder is best for softbill bird food?
Because softbills mainly eat insects, they're used to feeding on the ground, so you're unlikely to have much success with a hanging feeder. Instead, place one of our softbill mixes in a ground feeder (and consider using a ground feeder guardian to keep predators and larger birds away from the buffet).

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