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Keeping squirrels away from your bird feeders can be easier said than done! There are a range of different techniques for keeping squirrels at bay depending on the style of bird feeder you’re using. For example, Squirrel Buster™ bird feeders close off access to the seed tray when the weight of a squirrel is detected.
Some of the best methods for keeping squirrels away from your bird food include:
If you want to keep squirrels out of your garden all together, one of the best ways to do this is to use strong odours. This method is simple, effective, and chemical-free. Some scents that drive squirrels away include:
Peppermint oil is a popular choice for many because it has a refreshing smell. Planting rosemary in your garden is also an excellent natural, self-sustaining method for discouraging squirrels from entering your garden.