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Swallow Nest Cup
Swallow Nest Cup
Swallow Nest Cup
  • Swallow Nest Cup
  • Swallow Nest Cup
  • Swallow Nest Cup

Swallow Nest Cup

A perfect ready-made home for returning Swallows
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Click & Collect Available - Save 15%
Only: £14.95Robin
Quantity: In Stock
Product Details

These amazing birds feed on airborne insects so they have to follow the warm weather southwards every Autumn.

Swallows head for the southern tip of Africa for the winter. They make the return journey every spring arriving in April. When they arrive, their first priority is to find a nest site but, sadly, this is becoming harder as old buildings are demolished or repaired, farm buildings are secured or converted and some established nests are even deliberately removed in 'tidy-up' operations.

With global warming changing our climate dramatically, the very warm dry Springs have also meant that the land has dried out and available 'mud' for nest building and repair just has not been present.

Fortunately, swallows will use a special open nest box in an enclosed area such as a porch or outbuilding. A swallow nest should be sited inside a building which allows easy access for the birds via an open door or window, such as a garage or outhouse or stable block. The male swallow will circle above his chosen nest site, singing to attract a female.


Width: 20cm x Length: 11cm x Height: 12cm x Diameter: 17.5cm  

Please note; fittings may vary to those shown

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