New England Nest Box

Reminiscent of New England beach huts, these nest boxes feature a real shingle roof, lap board sides and a silvered hole protector.
Perfect for small bird species such as blue tits, coal tits, marsh tits etc and a delightful addition to your garden
Siting The nestbox should be sited on a tree, wall or garden fitting at least 1.5m – 2.5m above the ground. Preferably in a place where it cannot be accessed by cats and predators. The ideal aspect is facing east, SE and NE are also fine. The box should be left empty as wild birds will bring their own nest material into the box.
Monitoring & Inspection Nesting is most likely during April and May and in the event of chicks hatching there will be frenetic feeding activity by the parent birds. Take care not to disturb during this time as any intervention may result in the eggs or young being abandoned by the parent birds.
Maintenance The nestboxes are made from slow-seasoned Sustainably Sourced timber and may be painted annually with matching water based paints to maintain their appearance. The nestbox may cleaned out of any old nesting material and disinfected with a suitable product such as Wildkleen outside of the breeding season (Sept to Feb). To open, swing the brass catch to the upright position and pivot the nestbox side, by opening at bottom.

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