Bumblebee Nesting Material

This Bumblebee nesting material is designed to offer bumblebees a start to making a nest.
It is made from a synthetic material and provides a medium into which the queen can lay her eggs. The Bumble Bee Nesting Material can be inserted into any bumblebee house ready for prospecting queen bees in early spring.
It is helpful to add and mix in loosely some fine dry hay together with dry fluffy moss to create a nest pocket. This should be set back approximately 50mm from the nester entrance. The addition of mouse nest material will add an odour that bumblebees can be attracted to. Where bumblebee boxes have been occupied by a nesting queen and colony, the box should be inspected. This can be done by lifting the lid and viewing the internal chamber through a clear viewing panel. This should be done in spring and although bumblebees are not aggressive and will only sting when in extreme danger, care should always be taken when carrying out inspections.
New nesting material may need to be added each year during Nov – Feb if required
Weight - 30g
- To help the conservation of these species please support the Bumblebee Conservation – BUMBLEBEE CONSERVATION WEBSITE